Möglichkeit, den Aufenthalt ohne Versicherung, ohne Grund und ohne Kosten zu stornieren, bis zu 30 Tage vor der Ankunft, nur die eventuellen Buchungsgebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet, für alle Buchungen, die bis zu 30 Tage vor Beginn des Aufenthalts gemacht werden.
Diese speziellen Stornobedingungen sind gültig von 15/11/2024 bis 30/09/2025.
Sie gelten für alle Aufenthalte in der aktuellen Saison.
Sie gelten für die folgenden Unterkünfte:
- Alle Mietunterkünfte
Im Falle eines Widerspruchs zu den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen haben die oben genannten Bestimmungen Vorrang.
Reservation: Online / Phone (for pitches only) / Mail
Validation and Payment (no booking fees):
Camping Pitches: Reservations validated upon acceptance of the request. The stay paid on arrival for stays under three nights, and the day before departure for stays over three nights.
Rental Units: Reservations are validated upon receipt of a 30% deposit of the total cost of the stay and confirmed when the remaining balance is paid 15 days before the scheduled arrival date.
A detailed confirmation email of your stay will be sent in response at each stage. A reservation cannot be transferred or sublet without our consent.
Camping Pitches: Pitches are rented per night, starting from 3:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. the next day, regardless of arrival day.
Late arrivals are only possible until 10:00 p.m., provided prior notification. After 7:00 p.m. in low season and 8:00 p.m. in high season, a surcharge will apply (see the price optional when booking online). After 10:00 p.m., your reservation will be cancelled.
Rental Units (Lodges, Chalets, Cabins, and Equipped Tents): Check-in is between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Late arrivals are possible until 10:00 p.m., provided they are approved at least 48 hours before the arrival day. If there is doubt about meeting the arrival time, please subscribe to the cancellation insurance to ensure compensation if necessary; otherwise, no refund or discount will be provided.
From 7 p.m. in Low Season and 8 p.m. in High Season, a supplement will be applied (see price optional when booking online).
Check-out: Rental check-outs are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in low season and up to 11:00 a.m. in high season in person. Any early departure must be approved at least 48 hours before the departure day, with the mandatory cleaning option. If the customer declines the cleaning option, a signed attestation will be provided, indicating that if cleaning is not properly done, based on the sole judgment of the campsite management and without justification, the full rental deposit will be charged with no claim possible.
Any delay in departure will incur an additional night charge for bare pitches and a €20 compensation fee for a delay under 2 hours in rentals, or an additional night's charge for late afternoon departures after 2:00 p.m. (high season only).
The number and identification of the participants in the stay must absolutely correspond to the reservation. The number may not exceed the maximum provided for in the contract depending on the type of rental or pitch.
Any rental of rental or pitch not taken on the date and at the scheduled times of arrival (without written justification) will be considered cancelled and free, and may thus be resold by the campsite. The deposit or balance paid will be lost and acquired by the campsite without the possibility of reimbursement.
Early Departure:
•Camping Pitches: Unused nights will be refunded.
•Rentals: No refund will be provided for early departures unless the campsite cancellation insurance is subscribed to via our partner, Meetch (conditions in annexes).
•Camping Pitches: No fees will be due for any type of cancellation, and any amounts already paid will be refunded.
•Rentals (without cancellation insurance):
Customer Cancellation:
-A 30% deposit is non-refundable if cancellation occurs within 30 days of arrival.
-Both the deposit and balance are non-refundable if cancellation occurs within 15 days of arrival.
+ Low Season Only: The “Bad Weather, yes I'll reschedule” option allows customers, for an additional fee (see price optional when booking online), to reschedule their stay within the same low season year, depending on availability, if a rainy forecast with more than 70% probability is announced within seven days before arrival.
Exceptions: In the case of a pandemic or travel restrictions due to state, regional, departmental, or municipal confinement, or border closures, all previously collected amounts will be refunded.
Campsite Cancellation: No amount will be due, and all previously collected sums will be refunded.
Cancellation insurance can be purchased through the campsite during the reservation.
Please inquire for details (see conditions in annexes). VISA or MASTERCARD cardholders should check if they already have travel cancellation insurance as part of their card benefits.
Credit cards deposits (not cashed) are required, with amounts as follows:
•€100 for Equipped Tents as a guarantee for cleaning and equipment.
•€200 for Lodges and Chalets as a guarantee for equipment, plus an additional
+ €50-60 for cleaning if the cleaning option is not purchased, depending on the rental period.
Both parties autonomously conduct entry inspections. The deposit is refunded on departure after a joint exit inspection with the occupants, minus any charges for breakages, losses, or damages to equipment, or if cleaning is not completed as per the instructions provided upon arrival.
A detailed rate sheet will be provided on arrival, specifying the cost of any damage. Neglected cleaning will result in charging for the cleaning option or the entire deposit if the final inspection is not conducted in person and the cleaning option was not purchased.
The cleaning option subscription does not include dishes, kitchen utensils that must be returned clean, dry and stored in the cupboards as well as waste deposited and sorted in the appropriate bins at the entrance to the campsite, whether it is garbage bags, cigarette butts or any other waste. Otherwise, the entire deposit will be cashed.
Think about your Civil Liability Insurance in the event of considerable damage caused by you.
Our animal friends are accepted on the campsite and must be declared in advance provided:
oMaximum of 2 pets per camping pitch or rental.
oPets must be kept on a leash within the campsite; free-roaming animals are prohibited.
oThe campsite must remain clean; pets should relieve themselves outside the campsite grounds.
oExcessive barking will not be tolerated.
oPets must not be left unattended outside when owners are absent.
oPets cannot be left in a vehicle or rental during hot weather.
For rentals, an additional charge of €5/night will apply for all types of pets. For bare pitches, a fee of €1-2/night applies for dogs and horses (cats and other small animals are free). The fee will double if pets are not declared before entering the campsite.
For your comfort and in compliance with the law, ALL PUBLIC AREAS (Reception, Info Point, Laundry, Sanitary Block, Common Room, Bike Shelter) and RENTALS are NON-SMOKING. Any violation will result in a fine of €68 as per decree No. 2006-1386 of 15/11/2006.
The sanitary block is reserved for clients in bare pitches and equipped tents (except in case of issues with the rented unit's facilities). A penalty of €5/night per person will apply for non-compliance.
Pools are unsupervised. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult in the pool area, who takes full responsibility for their safety.
Electric vehicle charging is only allowed at designated charging points.
Connecting to a rental unit or a campsite socket, which is not suitable and poses a risk of overheating, is forbidden, and can lead to a fire. Unauthorized charging will incur a €50 fee if no damages occur; otherwise, damages will be assessed and handled as a “claim” with our insurance.
Visitors are allowed on the campsite from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on the rented pitch of the guests. They must first check in at Reception during opening hours or with one of the campsite managers. Unauthorized visitors are not permitted inside the campsite. Visitors may not use campsite facilities or services except for the restroom in the guest's rental unit or the sanitary block. Access to the snack bar is allowed when accompanied by campsite guests, provided they make a purchase.
In case of a dispute, and after contacting the campsite's “customer service,” any customer who stayed at the campsite may refer the matter to a consumer mediator within a maximum of one year from the date of the written complaint sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the operator. The mediator's contact details are as follows: CM2C, 14 rue Saint Jean -75017 Paris.
Coming to the campsite implies full acceptance and compliance with its internal regulations as well as these contractual conditions, the latter are provided to you with each reservation via our website, during reservation confirmation emails, by mail if the Reservations are made by mail or by display at the entrance to the campsite next to the campsite map.