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Camping Paradis La Pinède
die Details Ihrer Reservierung
Forfait emplacement tente, caravane ou camping-car + véhicule + électricité 10 Amp.
Forfait emplacement tente, caravane ou camping-car + véhicule + électricité 10 Amp.
2 Pers. inbegriffen / 8 Pers. max.
Route de St Pierre, 04800 Gréoux les Bains
Ankunft : 22/03/2025

Abreise : 29/03/2025
Betragsüberblick : 180,00 €
  • Höhe des Aufenthaltes168,00 €
  • Reservierungsgebühren12,00 €
  • Options0,00 €
  • Pauschalangebote0,00 €
  • Rücktrittsversicherung0,00 €
  • Gesamtbetrag180,00 €
  • Kaution58,00 €
  • Saldo122,00 €
Geben Sie Ihre Optionen
Zusätzliche Optionen
Zusätzliche Person ab 18 Jahre
35,00 €
Vermietung Plancha-Grillplatte
56,00 €
Zusätzliche Person ab 7 Jahre
35,00 €
Auflade-Gebühr Elektrofahrzeug
10,50 €
Kind 3 - 6 Jahre
21,00 €
Pauschale für das Aufladen eines Hybridfahrzeuges
7,00 €
Kind unter 3 Jahre
0,00 €
21,00 €
Zusätzliches Zelt
0,00 €
35,00 €
Shuttle Camping/Kur
0,00 €
Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen
Lesen Sie die allgemeinen Verkaufsbedingungen
This booking form is highly confidential, private and personal and must not be given to
a third party. This form has to be filled in and sent back with the required deposit. Every
camper and tenant is obliged to conform to the policy and procedure clauses (available
upon request). Each person staying on the camp-site must be named on the booking
form. The Management reserves the right to forbid access to the campsite to anybody
who has not been registered.
Minors without their parents will be refused the admission to the campsite.
PITCH: A deposit of 110€ are requested upon reservation.
The payment of the outstanding balance is due upon your arrival date. Any arrival or
departure which occurs before the agreed date in the contract will be charged and will
not be refunded on any account.
* Arrival : from 2 pm (July and August)
* Departure: before 10 am
Any exceeding time (after midday) will be charged as an extra day. In case of a delayed
arrival or arrival outside our opening hours, please let us know on tel +33492780547
HOLIDAY LET: A deposit of 30 % are required upon reservation.
The payment of the outstanding balance is due 30 days before arrival. No reminders will
be issued by our office. Any arrival or departure which occurs before the agreed date as
agreed in the contract will be charged and will not be refunded under any circumstances.
* Arrival : from 3 pm (July and August)
* Departure: before 10 am
During the Low Season, flexible dates for arrival and departure are available for rented
accommodation. During the High Season (July and August) arrival and departure dates are
on Saturdays, Sundays or We-dnesdays (according to the schedule). If you arrive outside
the opening hours of the Reception desk, please let us know on +33492780547
Water, gas and electricity are included in the rates as well as a parking space for one
car. Pillows, un-dersheets, and blankets are provided. The mobile home is fitted with a full
range of crockery (inventory available upon request). You must provide your own sheets.
We can supply a single-use bed linen and a kit for your baby (cot, highchair) but this will
be charged as an provide extra service.
Two security deposits will be asked for before you take possession of your accomodation:
250 € in case of damages in case you leave the mobile home without cleaning it property.
These are required upon arrival. They will be given back to you on your departure after
we have checked the condition of the mobile home and if nothing is missing. For any
departure which takes place outside the opening hours of the Reception desk, we will
check the condition of the mobile home and the two gua-rantees will be sent back by
post. An amount of 60 € will be kept from your deposit if your accommodation is not left
in a clean and tidy state.
Cats are not allowed to enter the mobile home. One small and friendly dog is admitted
Pets have to be well-behaved and must not be left alone inside the accomodation.
Make sure you bring a carpet or blanket for them that they do not cause any damage to
the rented accommodation.
In the event of a departure which may occurs before the agreed date, none of the charges
will be refunded.
If you did not let us know that you had to postpone your stay by recorded delivery, the pitch
or the accom-modation will be rented out again.
None of the phone calls will be taken into account without written confirmation.
In case of cancellation of your stay, you will lose:
- If you cancel more than 30 days before your arrival, you will lose 30 % of the whole
price of your stay
- If you cancel less than 30 days before your arrival or if you don't arrive on this date, you
will lose the entire total of your payment.
In case of lock down and if the campsite has to close, we will refund the amount paid.
In case of the campsite stays open but if you can't come (because of a lock down in
your country, border closure or if you have Covid), we will give you a credit of the amount
In case of the cancellation of your stay by us, the campsite, the whole amount of your
deposit will be refunded.
Cancellation insurance is offered to you, it is strongly recommended
Particular requests, especially for a specific pitch should be expressed at the moment
that you make your reservation. However, please understand that there is no guarantee.
Your request will be taken into account and we ensure you that we will do our best to
fulfil this request. But we can not guarantee specific pitch requests that they can be met.
TRAFFIC: The speed limit is 10 km/h within the campsite. No parking on the roads or on a
near by pitch even it is an empty one.
HYGIÈNE: Basic hygienic rules have to be respected inside the common bathroom
installations and within the space provided to do the washing-up.
SECURITY: The Management accepts no responsibility for loss or theft of articles which
might happen within the campsite.
NOISE: No noisy activities between 11 pm and 9 am.
VISITORS: No one can enter the campsite to visit someone without the permission of the
campsite staff.
CHILDREN: They must be watched at all times by their parents who are liable in criminal
law and legally responsible for them.
PETS: They must be up to date with all their vaccinations and well-behaved. Notice that
dogs considered as dangerous from Class 1 and 2 are forbidden.
Camping on our campsite ground implies the full acceptance of our rules and
conditions without any reservation. Any transgression against these will lead to the
eviction of those who do not abide by the terms of the contract hereby listed. In case of
a dispute, the Court of Toulon will be the only one to act in this matter
e. I declare that I have read and
do hereby agree to the general terms, prices and conditions of renta